The Alice Saddy Foundation - Inclusion Grants - Simple Everyday Essentials

Simple Everyday Essentials

Our next request came from Miranda, a Manager with the Alice Saddy Association. She provides support to Andre, who is 48 years old. He has a developmental disability and an acquired brain injury. He is wheelchair bound, but copes as best as he can. Due to severe mental health issues he was hospitalised in 2021 for 18 months. Discharged in October 2022 with very little proactive planning or support, he came to Alice Saddy for assistance to manage his Passport funding which provides him with 9 hours a week of direct support. His request was for $350 to help him set up his new apartment post discharge. The apartment is currently not equipped or accessible and he is extremely financially challenged to make ends meet on his ODSP. He has asked for $150 for essential kitchen items like dishes and cutlery and $200 for a smart door lock keypad to secure his apartment.

We approved his request and applaud the resilience he has shown.



