The Alice Saddy Foundation
Our Inclusion Grant Program

The Alice Saddy Foundation is a non-profit organization that was founded to support the vision, mission and values of the Alice Saddy Association. The Foundation’s first initiative is the Community Inclusion Fund. The purpose of this fund is to provide discretionary, Short-Term Flex Funds to individuals who have a developmental disability, live in London or surrounding area and for something that there are no other resources that will cover the cost.
Inclusion Grant Details
The recipients of these grants are individuals that can be at the margins of society, Our typical grant is $100 – $1,000 and the goal is to lend a helping hand in a situation that has potentially reached a “dead end”. Because the recipients are developmentally disabled, they can live in poverty, have special needs and/or are dependant on family members or caregivers for everyday needs. All are vulnerable and all do not have anywhere else to turn for help. An important element of these grants are that they are not restricted to those supported by the Alice Saddy Association. This means that we are reaching out to the homeless and the unsupported. At the least, the money provides a brief respite in a cycle of hopelessness. Respect, inclusion and safety are only three of the core values of the Alice Saddy and these small grants can help achieve these fundamental rights for those who cannot help themselves.
Our goal is to grow the fund so that we have a capital base to work from, giving the fund longevity.
Read about some of our success stories below.
To request a grant, please email
Our Success Stories
The following are a few of our success stories, which are made possible by generous donations. Grant recipient names have been changed to respect their privacy.
Let’s Stay Well
This request came from outside the Alice Saddy group of supported people. Brenda, who has been living independently for many years now and has had some struggles with her mental health. She ended up in the hospital a few years ago. Since then, she has had difficulties accepting that she needs to take medications to…
Simple Everyday Essentials
Our next request came from Miranda, a Manager with the Alice Saddy Association. She provides support to Andre, who is 48 years old. He has a developmental disability and an acquired brain injury. He is wheelchair bound, but copes as best as he can. Due to severe mental health issues he was hospitalised in 2021…
Furnishing Home
In May 2023 we received a request from an APSW who works for Family Services Thames Valley. It is kind of a good news story because her client, Herbert, who has a developmentaldisability, was accepted into London Housing. The problem was, however, that he was moving from out of town into London and his only…
Silent Suffering
This request came from Lilly, an Alice Saddy manager. Our supported person, Wendy, suffered a severe fall, which resulted in a concussion and muscle/tissue damage to her shoulders, neck and upper back. Her pain was intense. The muscles in her neck seized and her support staff thought she was having a seizure. Wendy was scared…
Let’s Get a Little More Space
Our next request also came from London Cares. It is for 2 people in a family of 3. The third person is a veteran so has resources available through the Legion. All three family members have developmental delays. The three of them had been living in a one bedroom apartment and have secured a two…
Towards a Better Future
Our first request of 2023 came from London Cares Homeless Response Services. Christa is a double amputee after losing both of her feet to an infection. She required transitional housing to meet post operative treatment requirements. A developmental disability, mental health issues and an extensive history of trauma impacts her day to day functioning. It…
Preventing Eviction
Alan has decreased cognitive functioning making it difficult for him to complete essential tasks. Finances are especially difficult for him to navigate. As a result of unintentional neglect, Alan’s disability housing benefits have been interrupted. He now owes $3,211.34 in rent arrears and his landlord has contacted the Landlord and Tenant Board to file for…
Recovering From a House Fire
Peter has developmental disabilities. He recently experienced a devastating fire in his apartment that left him hospitalised with burns. He is now well enough to be discharged from the hospital but because of ongoing repairs to his unit he can not return home until Jan 3. To keep from being homeless, he needs to be…
Pest Infestation
Ralph struggles with severe ADHD and as a result missed several appointments with pest control to rid his living space of vermin. Ralph was charged $25.85 for each of the four missed appointments for a total amount of $113.00. The pest control people would not book another treatment until these arrears were satisfied. London Cares…
Supporting Housing & Care
Our next request came Nov 20, 2022. This is a family that displays true love for each other. It involves three siblings. Henry (42), requires 24 hour care. He has individualised funding which the Alice Saddy Association assists in managing. His Mom, Val, manages the care (mostly hiring self-employed contractors) and she also self-administers the…
Solving a Legal Gap
This request was the first one to give us pause; $320.58 was needed to pay off a lawyer’s bill. We really struggled with this request because we did not want to set a precedent by paying an outstanding debt. Our client Harold is developmentally disabled. He worked full time and had been married. His marriage…
Supporting OIFN
This grant request was unusual for us as it is not directed towards an individual but towards another agency, ( ), who support people with developmental disabilities to direct their own lives, and live as valued community members and citizens. Something that we at Alice Saddy are happy to support. The $500 grant is…
Healing from Past Trauma
Emma is a 40 year old woman who has lived through many traumas in her life, but is an amazingly resilient, strong advocate for herself. She is a woman with Cerebral Palsy and Quadriplegia who tries to maintain as much independence as possible (both physically and mentally). Emma moved into a Cheshire Support Building in…
Supporting a Healthy Living Environment
The next request was not person specific, but program centered. Melinda requested help to buy a “bed bug treatment tent”. While APSE can wash clothing, bedding, linens, etc. and Landlords will pay and provide spraying of apartments and furniture, they will not de-bug items such as TVs, electronics, air conditioners, microwaves/appliances and framed photographs that…
Moving to a Safer Home
This request was to help Cheryl move into Bruce Manor where she has been on the waiting list for decades. She very much wanted to move due to safety issues and threats that she has been experiencing in her current living situation (people are stealing things from her, they have made physical and verbal threats…
Removing a Language Barrier
Our second grant request came on behalf of a young man who is transitioning from the Children’s Aid Society to Adult services. 18 year old Bernardo has a developmental disability and lives with his Aunt and Uncle in London. He attends a local high school and is enrolled in the developmental education program. His Aunt…
Two Brothers
Two brothers, ‘Mike’, (36) & ‘John’,(35), have lived with a host family since they were very young children. Their foster parents became Share Your Home providers through the Alice Saddy Association, in November 2008, as part of the transition from the children’s world to adult life. They have quite complex support needs (physical, developmental, medical,…
A Medical Crisis
In March of 2021, we were approached by a support worker on behalf of her clients – an elderly couple dealing with limited income and serious health issues. Garry had developed a sever heart condition, while his partner Gina was dealing with complications from diabetes. Due to literacy, technology and income barriers, management of medications…
A Respectful Goodbye
In August 2021, we were approached by Anne who requested $675 to cover the costs of holding services, and the scattering of her sister’s ashes at Mount Pleasant Cemetary. As an ODSP recipient, Anne’s income is limited, and her budget did not allow for her to give her sister a proper goodbye. Anne’s sister was…